GMT Goldmaster E系列
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定义和用法. time() 函数返回自 Unix 纪元(January 1 1970 00:00:00 GMT)起的当前时间的秒数。
The GMT is White’s “Goldmaster” — used in goldfields around the world! This detector ignores the harsh ground found in gold-bearing areas to simplify prospecting and find nuggets large and small, and coins, too. Chapter 5 GMT Searching Headphones The headphone jack on the GMT is located on the control box near the plug for the search coil. There is a dust cover on the headphone jack that needs to be removed before the stereo plug from the head- phone is inserted.
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Informacje o Wykrywacz metali Whites GMT Goldmaster-E series - 2043911422 w archiwum Allegro. Data zakończenia 2012-01-14 - cena 2350 zł
系列 : GMT-Master II 型號 : 116713LN 機芯 : 自動上鏈 現金價 : $83,800 匯豐/渣打分期 : $3,806 x 24月 直徑 : 40mm 購買日期 : 2009年 商品狀態 : 95% New (Full Set) 店舖 : 尖沙咀店 . BRAND : Rolex (HK AD)(Inner ring engraving)(Full links) MODEL : GMT-Master II MODEL NUMBER : 116713LN Movement : Auto Diameter : 40mm 瑞士艺术制表大师爱宝时(EPOS)-Emotion情感系列 日夜无间 3390.302.20.38.25 机械男表 日夜无间 / 销量1915 瑞士爱宝时官方旗舰店 e系列; m系列; p系列; r系列; s系列; 贴片热敏电阻; 贴片磁珠. 常规叠层片式磁珠; 尖峰型贴片磁珠; 低频高阻型贴片.. 大电流型贴片磁珠; 超大电流型贴片.. 片式磁珠排; 三洋sanyo贴片.. rvt系列 4x5.4; rvt系列 5x5.4; rvt系列 6.3x5.4; rvt系列 6.3x7.7; rvt系列 8x10.2; rvt系列 10x10.2
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View and Download White's Goldmaster operating instructions manual online. Goldmaster metal detector pdf manual download. Modern GMT Series:Slice in 3D View (三维切片图) - 简书 GMT如何实现三维切片图. gmt新版推出的三维成图主要通过-p和-JZ实现的。前者进行旋转,后者给定垂向轴相关信息。gmt官网上有个用户给出的例子,但是没有讲清楚这个切片图到底如何准确实现,但是还是有借鉴意义的。 因为本人的博士课题有部分数据涉密,不方面放上来,就以上面提到的这个例子 WHITE'S GMT USER MANUAL Pdf Download. Chapter 5 GMT Searching Headphones The headphone jack on the GMT is located on the control box near the plug for the search coil. There is a dust cover on the headphone jack that needs to be removed before the stereo plug from the head- phone is inserted. ROLEX 勞力士 - GMT-MASTER II系列 - 116710-BLNR-78200 - 手表 …